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”You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone” sjunger Morrissey lika dylanskt som självsäkert på nya singeln. Det är en slags övertygelse att hålla sig till, det med. Apropå att planera sina resor och färdigställa en krismapp av diverse utskrifter: Naturligtvis har en 2.0-entreprenör nu gjort business av detta behov.

Offbeat Guides’ first product is personalized, on-demand printed Travel Guides. Ever go through the experience of planning a trip using the web? I’ve always found it pretty painful – finding all the sights, the best places to stay, restaurants, walking tours, public bathrooms, wifi maps, and all that, not to mention finding out what bands are in town, or what interesting local meetings, book signings, museum and gallery openings are out there. I also end up getting maps for my hotels and meetings, too.

When I do end up having the time, I often become like a packrat, finding tidbits on the web, bookmarking, and then printing them on my home computer. Add in a big black clippy to keep all the pages together, and if I’m lucky, it’ll hold things tightly so I won’t be dropping papers everywhere as I’m running through airports, or searching through papers in taxis. The end result often gets stuck at the bottom of my bag, totally crumpled and ripped.

(via mymarkup, oldschool and shit)


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